Insightsoftware: price update

Annual Enhancement Program (AEP) Uplift Notice

You are the heart and soul of our business. Thank you for your continued loyalty.

At insightsoftware our goal remains clear: enable you, our valued customer, to drive greater financial intelligence across your organization by connecting to and making sense of your financial data in real-time. As a result of your trust in us, we continue to make key investments to improve your experience and expand our product capabilities to help you deliver better business outcomes.

For us to continue to provide timely and relevant upgrades, functionality enhancements, and access to our Jet support experts, we have included an increase of 4% to your Annual Enhancement Program (AEP) costs. This decision was not taken lightly, but ultimately a necessity to continue to provide you with a world class solution.

Dedicated Jet Customer Success team

As insightsoftware has experienced rapid growth worldwide, we recognize it may, at times, feel more challenging for our customers to know where to turn to guarantee they are heard. In 2021, Insightsoftware assembled a Customer Success team whose primary focus is to address your concerns, remove obstacles, and ensure you get the best return on your investment with Jet. That includes your ability to plan more than a year out on your maintenance renewal.

Product Enhancements

We have made many improvements to the overall performance and usability of Jet Reports as highlighted in the attached Jet Release Highlights document, and we have an active roadmap of enhancements moving forward. Feedback and enhancement requests from customers are vital
to our Product Management team’s planning and development process; We truly value your feedback.

Thank You

Simply speaking, there would be no us without you and we are grateful for your continued patronage. This small increase ensures we can continue to provide additional value each year.

For more information about the “Jet Release Highlights” click below.

Frank Ernst
VP | Customer Success & Growth